If you don't do something foolish while you are young, you won't have anything to smile about when you are old
hye darls. lame dah x update blog. life right now giler hectic tau tak. got no time nak chill dah. but sadly, aku pon xtau ape aku buat sampai penat sangat. nak kata study macam taaak je. tgk notes semua tak complete lagih. haiih. but well, got some few things to share here. here we go.
last week, mon mere et mon pere pgi sarawak n tinggalkan aku wif cik tot. sobsobsob. sedih tak dapat ikot. dah laa kena tinggal. pastu kena jadi drebar hantar pgi airport. huwaaa. how dare you do this to me..ok stop drama queen. haha. btw, they went there sebab nak attend wedding one of our family member.
ku korbankan tidurku untuk ayahibu
*again haishh drama queen. LOL
see. the kids have grown up well. masa last time aku kt sane bebudak ni baru darjah satu. now dah anak dara. cantik2 dah :D
kelak kamek datang. kamek rindu sama kitak~~
then after ayahibu balek dari sarawak, i got my dean ceremony. Alhamdulillah. dah lama tak rasa dean award nih. dis sem memang kena struggle giler to maintain the good result. of course laa aku nak grad as a 1st gred student kan. dah laa tak ambik professional paper. memang lingkup laa kalau result biasa2 je. huwaaa.

i like the system. awal2 dah bg no. senang org nk line up.

happy coz my girlfriends all did well :D

another sweet memory to remember <3
last but not least, i got a chance to meet my darlings. hehehehe. yang ni memang super excited since susah kot nak gather macam ni. thanx to my lovely fren sebab inform kitorang yang STF BAND akan join WIND orchestra this year. that event was held dekat uniten, bangi. sesat2 jugak laa carik jalan nak pgi uniten. naseb ade GPS. tak berapa sesat sangat. hahaha. but so sad. dah sampai the hall, kitorang sesat nak carik pintu masuk. end up dengar their last note dari luar je. huhuhuhu. im waiting for the video kt youtube. once uploaded ill share it here. :D
naseb pakai tudung oren. nampak cikit. hahaha
Srikandis gathered together. can you feel how much loves we had on each other.
of course a snap with our dearest bosz.:)

eyh jap, one snap x cukup. another one. hehe.
well, i got an email. a fren said aku dah lme tak membebel things yang bole difikir-fikirkan. yeah. you noticed. its not that i dont want to. but i have very limited time to spend in front of the laptop. so, tak terluah ape yang aku nak cakap. :( but i have something in mind. n guess i will post it in my coming semester break. its about
sebab aku perempuan...
till then. salam. :D