We lose people, but we never forget them. And sometimes, it’s those memories that give us the strength to go on.
hello darls. baru dapat online. bukak fb n tgk ade notification about my private group. VALOUR laa. siyes rindu dorg..muahx. actually, valour tengah sembangat. sebab 7th jan 2011, genap lah 7 tahun kitorang jadi valour. still standing with proud and pride, babe. and one thing for sure, kitorg still sayang each other even lama tak jumpe pon.
ttbe rindu zaman2 malas nak menyanyi lagu tym assembly. tapi ble kena minggu yang nyanyi lagu sekolah in english, semua orang suka nyanyi kuat2. yang tak hafal pon maen hentam je. hahaha. sedap laa konon.
"Together we join hands to reach our goals,
With spirit and dignity we stand,
Tun Fatimah you will always be our leader,
Our quest is fulfilling the hopes of our nation.
We are the generation of tomorrow,
To be the guide to show what we can be,
Tun Fatimah you have our promise,
We'll be the guide, we'll be the light,
and be your pride,
United we stand, Tun Fatimah."
actually, yang valour semangat sangat dekat fb tu sebenarnya nak ajak tukar profile picture ramai2. nak letak badge sekolah dekat gamba. owh cool. aku pon dah buat. hehe

ooops gamba kecik laa pulak..

2 gamba je..lek2 :D
interesting x? kalau kamu2 nak buat pon bole. just click PICBADGES. ade banyak badge yang kamu2 boleh pilih. just pergi dekat search box and type the key words. badge 1malaysia pon ade tau. hahaha. or if kamu2 ade group sendiri, boleh jugak buat your own badge. the steps are so simple and easy.
p/s : to all stfians and srikandi, jom pakai badge sekolah. haha.