Emma Sharip Biz Boutique

Guest Book

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's important to celebrate the people who hold your hand and never let go

it's march darls!! the month to celebrate people you love..:D

well, starts dengan 8th march the whole world celebrate women's day. ngee~ bangga gila aku dah twen-TY. bukan TEEN lagi. dah layak nak celeb women's day nih. hahaha. takpe2. umur je meningkat. hati still muda.

then, maybe ramai yang taktau, masa aku sekola dulu, aku diajar untuk celebrate every each day as a special day. even duduk asrama pon, tapi hidup kitorang kat sana tak boring since ade tradition macam ni. macam2 kitorang buat. one of it, mestila jatuh pada 9th march. BANDGIRLS DAY. masa ni, kalau takde performance or comp, selalu nya senior ajak maen traditional games dekat hockey field or astaka. tu yang best tu. sebab aku baru belajar games tu. semput gak sebab kena banyak lari2. especially tym maen 'cangkuk'. yang kena kejar orang to pass our turn. haha. aku tak pandai nak explain tapi aku tau best. and benda ni buatkan kitorang maken rapat with each other.

rindu nyer..

betul2 after bandgirls day is FRIENDSHIP DAY on 10th march. well, kalau nak tau how kitorang tentukan the dates, cuba kira huruf. contohnye bandgirls = 9 huruf. friendship = 10 huruf. kenapa sambut bulan march? sebab day = 3 huruf. hahaha. senang je kan. masa friendship day ni selalu nye celebrate ikot form je laa. tym assembly pagi2 tu dah dengar dah everybody wishing to each other. pelok2 sket. hahaha.

kawan satu kapal..hahaha

selain tu, ade lagi satu hari yang kitorang celebrate. that is hari berkasih sayang. well, orang islam kan tak bole sambut valentine. and valentine kan takde laa sweet sangat. sebab kitorang ade yang lagi sweet. that is 143 day. as korang pon tau 143 stands for I LOVE YOU.

selalu nya, tym2 ni, fivers tengah buat preparation untuk sumbangsih. so ade laa dedication macam chocolates ke flowers ke card ke. sometimes siap pos sampai rumah lagi. or bagi gatai sket bole pos kat bf masing2. haha. excited kot. mahal takpe. asal sampai.

well, sure kamu2 pon ade tradition celebration sendiri kan. so enjoy wif it. salam.