L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
hye darls..aku dah abes final exam..hehe..lme nye tak update blog..well, banyak benda nak cerita but 1st thing 1st mesti laa nak cerita pasal our wedding of the century kan. hehe. masa study week lepas every night jealous buahhati dapat tengok TLC channel dekat astro sebab ade royal wedding week. wedding princess diana and charles dulu pon diorang tunjuk balek. yang tu memang aku tengok laa kan..sebab tym diorang kawen aku tak sempat nk duduk depan tv.. hahaha

fell for this innocent girl once..
actually 29th april tu, aku ade paper. petang pulak tu..started at 2.45pm till 6pm. tp abes je paper, tros duduk depan tv. mne bole lepas kan..

she's pretty..i admit
tengok kate and william kawen buat semua orang tak larat. hahaha..macam dalam fairytales yang ibu selalu cerita tym kecik2. especially part naik kereta kuda.

this is wat i mean
tapi, honestly, aku rasa tak banyak beza pon dengan ceremony masa diana and charles kawen. kan?

since 1902..haha
and like any other girls or maybe the whole world, i juz cant stop comparing kate with diana..sorry kate

the rose of england that melted millions hearts

she's beautiful but didn't glow..
ibu said maybe sbb dia dah tak virgin..lol

diana's smile yang macam malu2 sikit with her blushing face buat dia nampak soooo adorable

miss independent

there were space between them

so much closer..wink~~

the gown, the tiara, the bouquet

the love

the longest veil

a long lasting love

the balcony kiss everybody was waiting for

the kiss with love i always dreamt for..hahahahaha

to the future.....