I am so lost, I googled myself, and they couldn't even find me!
hye darls..kamu2 dah dengar pasal Google+? well, this is one new project carried out by GOOGLE sebab nak lawan our biggest country, FACEBOOK. lol. kira nye ni juz another social network laa..macam FRIENDSTER and MYSPACE yang dah terkubur tu. google pon ade laa berangan nak kuburkan facebook. since google dah jadi the main search engine in the world so aku rasa possible kot if google nak conquer our social network satu hari nanti. hahaha. tunggu~~
ok. aku malas nak bebel panjang2. jom kita pergi tour pasal Google+ nih.
cool x? if kamu2 nak join this circle just pgi dekat page GOOGLE+ nih and klik on JOIN.

another new thing dari google is the +1 button. yang nih.

dalam bahasa facebook, +1 button ni macam notification laa. if ade anything interesting yang kte nk share dengan orang, kita bole letak +1 button ni. so dat orang bole laa tengok2. selain tu, +1 button ni pon bole jadi macam icon 'bookmark this page' dekat google chrome. yang best nye, kita bole publish ape yg kte dah simpan dalam our +1 profile or keep it private. tapi dalam bahasa google macam klaka jugak sebab +1 button ni stands for "this is pretty cool" or "you should check this out". lol. gempak gitu. untuk blogger2, if kamu2 nak code for this button just click here.
ok laa. to those yang dah join GOOGLE+ nti pm aku ok. ill invite to be in my circle. salam :D