Emma Sharip Biz Boutique

Guest Book

Saturday, August 27, 2011

No I didn't fall. Just that, THE FLOOR WAS DEPRESSED, IT NEEDED A HUG.

hye darls. dah lama aku tak share pasal websites yang to me memang usefull giler. hehehe. sorry kay. cam busy sket sebab nak raya. sibok shopping derr. tolong buahati buat kuih lagi. hahahah. kalau nak resepi cheese tart bole klik sini. :D

by the way, dat day aku tengok one show dekat tv. and noe wat, ade research mengatakan it is normal for us to KOREK IDONG 5 times in every hour. euwwhhh. kalau tak caya nti try tengok diri sendiri. hahaha. if it not koreng idong, then sentuh idong, or garu2 idong pon bole laa kira. eyh, idongku gatal. haha.

well, malas nk melalut. ari ni aku nak share dis health website yang serious user friendly and memang bole dapat macam2 information. SHARECARE.COM

yang best nyer, dis website tak bagi info pasal general topic je. tapi ade jugak info pasal babies, teenagers sampai lah orang tua. kira memang sesuai laa untuk semua lapisan umor. AND EXPLAINATION DIA PON TAK BORING~~~ examples:

- untuk students like me, even pnah ddok hostel tapi kekadang still tak tau macam mane nak manage time can refer to this tips

- and untuk "im not a girl, not yet a woman" type, yang rasa meditation can help in reducing stress bole dapat explaination kenapa yoga bagus untuk diri kita. p/s: yoga ni takde kena mengena dengan agama. it is just a period yang kita spend to relax our mind and give positive thought for ourselves.

- or general topic, pasal benefits minum air banyak

- and lagi satu, yang aku rasa best, terasa macam kena sindir jugak bila baca pasal exercises. then teringat lagu kt tv "bersenam, bersukan, berrekreasi bersama keluarga blablablablabla..." hahaha. now aku tau macam mane exercises bole buat kita happy. :D lepas ni jom exercise ramai2 k.

last but not least, Dr Oz slalu jugak masok THE OPRAH HOW, so korang bole click dekat dis link OPRAH AND DR OZ. ada banyak videos and interesting discussions pasal health. dun worry. cara Dr Oz terangkan sangat2 entertaining. hehe.

ok darls. nak raya ni, even rendang, lemang, kuihmuih tu sumer sedap gila, tapi kne ingat to take care of our health jugak. jaga gula. jaga tekanan darah. jaga cholestrol level. tapi yang penting jangan tension2. haha. till then. salam. :D