"You are not your past. You are the possibility of what can be."
hye darls. last friday before kuliah start. 1st of all, thanx to my darls yang datang beraya rumah semalam.. lama kot tak jumpa diorang. rindu~~~

pic from jue :D
well, aku rasa dis friday macam blessed sangat sebab macam2 aku dapat since pagi. bukan barang2 mahal ok. tapi thought yang buat aku berfikir. noe wat, since ade tv alhijrah aku suka jugak pilih dat channel. sebab banyak show pasal ISLAM from oversea. macam best tengok how they appreciate ISLAM and NABI MUHAMMAD. and semua show tu macam light. so senang nak masok kepala aku nih. hahaha.
the 2 shows yang aku selalu tengok are
aku suka giler the way dis guy cerita pasal nabi and how to follow sunnah nabi. his voice macam tenang sangat and can feel yang tak susah sebenar nya nak buat tu semua. and most important, cara dis guy cakap buat kita rasa yang nabi still hidup dalam hati kita.
well, aku try carik video2 from fattabiouni dekat youtube tapi blom ade yang ade subtitle. tapi, insyallah lagi 2 minggu video2 tu akan release sebab ade pihak yang tengah usahakan. before that korang bole like page FATTABIOUNI MALAYSIA dekat facebook and wait for any update k. :D
dis show pon best sebab pengacara dia selalu tanya soalan2 yang buat kita berfikir dekat jemputan of that show. and lagi best bila jemputan tu jawab with a very deep and meaningful answer.
like this:
"RASULLAH made the bird as the example. the bird leave their house early at the morning to search for food with their stomach empty. and comeback late evening with stomach full. they dont stay at one point but move from a place to another place in searching for food. but their heart is calm. they have faith in ALLAH and trust that ALLAH will not forget them. THE EARTH IS MADE FOR PEOPLE. thus, people will never be forgotten. ALLAH have promised the rezeki for each of us. so when we are facing the hard time, have faith in ALLAH. because ALLAH knows what's best for us. keep trying and trust ALLAH.."
well darls. if kamu2 nak tengok banyak lagi episodes from this show bole pergi to the website.
and another thing yang aku dapat hari ni was from TOM SHADYAC. kalau korang suka tengok komedi sure kamu2 kenal dis guy. the movie director of ACE VENTURA, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, and BRUCE ALMIGHTY. cerita lama. kalau tak kenal try tanya buahati masing2. hehe.
well, dis year, TOM SHADYAC buat comeback tapi bukan comedy. instead he raised 2 questions for all of us to think.

its true kan. burung pon carik makan cukup2 untuk diri sendiri. singa, for example, bole je nak bunuh banyak2 rusa but instead, it kill only one. lepas tu share dengan yang lain. tapi manusia takes more than what we actually need. tu belom masok yang mencuri harta anak yatim or menipu orang2 kampung or buat projek2 haram.
ok. if kamu2 blom tgk this epic film bole tgk the trailer dulu.
and noe wat darls, even science and orang bukan ISLAM pon mengaku yang manusia ni related to each other. in our body ade VAGUS NERVE. p/s: vagus nerve derived from the words 'wandering'. this nerve yang buat kita rasa sedih bila tengok orang lain sedih. and rasa happy bila our surrounding happy. and if OPRAH SHOW has been the igniter of vagus nerve for over 25 years, we, as the muslims should know that solat berjemaah has been the greatest igniter for vagus nerve since thousands years ago.sebab solat jemaah buat kita can regain our energy and absorb positive spirit.
tiba2 rasa there is no word to describe how brilliant ALLAH is and how beautiful ISLAM is. till next post darls. do a soul searching. and it will leads us to ALLAH. insyaALLAH. salam.
and another thing yang aku dapat hari ni was from TOM SHADYAC. kalau korang suka tengok komedi sure kamu2 kenal dis guy. the movie director of ACE VENTURA, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, and BRUCE ALMIGHTY. cerita lama. kalau tak kenal try tanya buahati masing2. hehe.
well, dis year, TOM SHADYAC buat comeback tapi bukan comedy. instead he raised 2 questions for all of us to think.
a very inspirational film
"There's one fundamental law that all of nature obeys that mankind breaks every day. Now, this is a law that's evolved over billions of years, and the law is this: Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.
In our culture, however, humans often take more than they need by buying large homes, driving expensive cars and living excessively.
We have a term for something in the body when it takes more than its share. We call it...
its true kan. burung pon carik makan cukup2 untuk diri sendiri. singa, for example, bole je nak bunuh banyak2 rusa but instead, it kill only one. lepas tu share dengan yang lain. tapi manusia takes more than what we actually need. tu belom masok yang mencuri harta anak yatim or menipu orang2 kampung or buat projek2 haram.
ok. if kamu2 blom tgk this epic film bole tgk the trailer dulu.
and noe wat darls, even science and orang bukan ISLAM pon mengaku yang manusia ni related to each other. in our body ade VAGUS NERVE. p/s: vagus nerve derived from the words 'wandering'. this nerve yang buat kita rasa sedih bila tengok orang lain sedih. and rasa happy bila our surrounding happy. and if OPRAH SHOW has been the igniter of vagus nerve for over 25 years, we, as the muslims should know that solat berjemaah has been the greatest igniter for vagus nerve since thousands years ago.sebab solat jemaah buat kita can regain our energy and absorb positive spirit.
tiba2 rasa there is no word to describe how brilliant ALLAH is and how beautiful ISLAM is. till next post darls. do a soul searching. and it will leads us to ALLAH. insyaALLAH. salam.