if women ruled the world there would be no wars..JUST A BUNCH OF JEALOUS COUNTRIES NOT TALKING TO EACH OTHER.
wow!! lame giler x update blog. hahaha. one thing you darls should know, aku sekarang dah jadi nerd. any free time yang ade sure aku habiskan dgn dating someone. eyh, not someone. SOMETHING!! FAHMI la, AM la, ERIC la..haiih..kenapa kenapa aku cakap nerd? sebab aku dah gila dont know how to differentiate between human and book. and i think dating a book is as fun as dating human. ARRGHHHH!! i hate this feeling!!! nampak tak bertapa loser nye aku?!! all i can do is just turn the caps lock on. nak jerit pon x mampu. pfffft. :(
tapi menjadi nerd takde laa sampai aku tak campur orang langsung. sempat je berpeleseran sekejap2. haha. like sekarang diet, one second lepas tu melantak half pounder McD and makan ice-cream time hujan wif AINA n A'A. sudah nye non-stop pergi toilet. hahaha. one more thing dat dayh ade malam jalinan mesra Aktuari.

and dalam poyo2 menjadi nerd tu sempat lagi tengok last episode of oprah. eyh what? LAST EPISODE OF OPRAH!!!! sobsobsob oprah dah abes dah. lepas ni dah xde such inspiring show like oprah. sobsobsob. nak nangis laa camni.
btw darls, sapa yang belom tgk, p check out beyonce punye performance. serious best.
Imagine a newborn, big-eyed, Black, baby girl
Waiting to see her world.
Waiting to receive a name.
Let's call her Fannie Mae,
She'll stay in this place.
No, let's call her
Bonnie Brown,
She'll never leave this town.
Then the universe had an aha! moment,
and said Oprah.
A mixture of a precious gem
And a musical play.
Neighbors laughed and said now that's really mean
To give her a name she cannot even explain.
The universe whispered,
A grandmother lifted her up
To show her to God,
And God said,
I'm going to show you a road to your future.
And in Tennessee she began to see herself.
Someone said,
What's your name?
She said, Oprah.
And, what do you do?
She said, I am being Oprah.
And then she stood erect
She saw no one higher than herself
And no one lower.
Baltimore asked Oprah,
Will you come here
And anchor an evening program, Oprah?
She said, Yes, but I want to give voice
To the voiceless.
And then Chicago called and said,
Will you come to the city of big shoulders?
Her country began to know her and call her by her name
And then Europe and Asia and Africa and Australia said
And she said, Yes.
And people listened to her
For twenty-five years
She listened
She said be strong, be kind and call me Oprah
I am Oprah
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Maya-Angelous-Farewell-Poem-for-Oprah#ixzz1d7bYI6E0
other links:
Oprah A Farewell Spectacular Part1
Oprah A Farewell Spectacular Part2