I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.
hey darls..diam tak diam dah nak masok new week dah..haiih kejap je kan..now aku tgh mencekalkan hati jowa raga segala nak khatamkan buku CTU553..siyes sepangjang satu sem ni aku tak tau ape aku belajar for this subject..hahaha
i suggest that this course should provide a better lecturer that has better motivation n some FUN
but despite all that, last weekend was so wonderful..haha..after so many years i ask my parents to have a little brother, ttbe ade one day tu, my parents went out then mase diorang balek dengar macam bising2. aku pon bukak laa pintu, and nampak one little boy. guess who? its HAIFAL!!! MY LOVELY BABY <3
ok dia dah besar dah sekarang. so nice n sopan. seriously, its a dream come true tau. n i cant explain how happy i am and i was never dat excited to go home but when he was there i feel like someone waiting for me. n its true. wvry petang mase balek hifal akn dudok dkat living kot. n bila nampak aku nti dia tolong bukak pintu n everything. hahaha. paling best when he thanked me fpr something i brought home. HEAVEN!! tapi haifal stay x lama..dalam 3 hari je..hehe..a night before dia balek, kitorang bawak dia pergi i-city. he was so happy but still politely express his feeling.

honestly after haifal balek, aku rasa macam sunyi sket. tapi x lama bcoz as planned, last friday, iman n umairah (wif their parents n mak ngah of course) datang my hse for a 3 days sleep over. diorang datang lambt kot. sampai around 1 or 2 oclock. masa tu aku dah sedap tdo xnak bangun dah. hahaha. tapi biasa laa dengar suara umairah n iman mmg x bole tdo kan.. LOL

so, the next day, kitorang pergi waterpark. saje laa nak bagi these kids happy sket. hehe. look at their funny face. happy je mase blom masok. LOL

tapi lepas dah masok..

i noe haifal was so happy..dgn muka excited dia. tp after the ride, he still remember to say "thank you, kak emma.." *cair
honestly after haifal balek, aku rasa macam sunyi sket. tapi x lama bcoz as planned, last friday, iman n umairah (wif their parents n mak ngah of course) datang my hse for a 3 days sleep over. diorang datang lambt kot. sampai around 1 or 2 oclock. masa tu aku dah sedap tdo xnak bangun dah. hahaha. tapi biasa laa dengar suara umairah n iman mmg x bole tdo kan.. LOL

this kepoh girl. i woke up late the next day. bangun pon sebab dia sebok ckp "bangun laa..kakak bangun laaa.." all the time..
so, the next day, kitorang pergi waterpark. saje laa nak bagi these kids happy sket. hehe. look at their funny face. happy je mase blom masok. LOL

tapi lepas dah masok..

iman was the biggest boy at this area..hahaha well actly iman ni penakut sket..so dia xnk pgi tempat yang dalam tu. and end up mandi laa kt area utk budak 3 years old n below..hahaha..mse cousin (iman's dad) macam bengan jugak bebudak ni takot sgt. and mse time balek tu, we saw a baby, merangkak lagi tapi dh maen air. iman terkebil-kebil je tgk how brave the baby was..LOL
then, after maen dekat waterpark, kitorang pgi sunway since my cousins nk makan Wendy's. owh kesian johor xde wendy's.

dis little kid nak ambil gamba dgn snowman tapi penakut. hahaha..terpaksa teman..hissh

we were at roxy store when this picture was taken. umairah was so impressed with sunway lagoon. tapi kalau bawak diorang ni mmg buang duit laa..semua xnak try..dah laa amusement park dkat sunway byk yg scary (for their level laa)

at night, kitorang pgi snowalk dekat i-city. for the 2nd time in a week. haha. nak pgi oversea tak mampu kan. pgi snowalk je laa..
and this time, aisyah n her fam pon dtg. aisyah is soo tiny. macam barbie.

too little too cute. n photogenic.


one more thing, my aunty from spore pon datang. meet my cousin, faisal with gearbox soup. hahaha. dekat spore panggil sup tulang je. LOL. special made by my mum. serious sedap. tapi i was so tired x rasa nak membaham sangat.

syahril, faisal, my dad, aunty salmi n nureen. :)
the next day, aku bawak diorang pgi klcc. konon2 nk jd tour guide laa..tpi damn, jalan pon sesat2. but sadly, ticket petrosains abes. nak naik twin tower pon kena tgu selasa. tsktsk. i feel bad tau, sebab aku tak tau mne tempat menarik kt kl ni. eye on msia dah tak de. nak bawak pgi shopping mall mcm spore xde all the stuff kan. in fact they are much advance. huhuhu. wif my bad driving skill n gps yg x bole pakai, we end up pgi times square aka the biggest indoor theme park in msia. hope they have fun.
*gambar xde sebab faisal x upload. hehe
till then darls. salam.