"i got lembu nak jage, i got lembu nak jage, i got lembuuuuuuuuu nak jage.."
hye darls. remember x masa my relatives dari singapore datang, aku dengan malu nye telah tak tau nak bawak diorang pergi mane. huhuhuhu. ade chance nk promote negara sendiri tapi melepas macam tu je. lepas tu bila orang sibok2 banggakan negara orang, sendiri rasa nak cakap "malaysia pon best ape..."
ok. malaysia memang best.
well, disebabkan aku maybe kena bawak orang round malaysia tak lama lagi, so of course, i want to do something better this time. thanx to google. i found dis website.
well. i think i gonna finish my night exploring dis website and plan which places i can go after dis. and to you darls, especially yang tengah cuti semester tu, have fun too n plan for your break ok. malaysia is truly asia. remember dat. :D
till then. salam. :D