Memory is a way of holding on the things you love,
the things you are and
the things you never wanna lose.
hye darls. know what BONIA tengah SALE!!!!!! so since 2morrow adalah hari ahad, then why dont korang terjah boutique BONIA and grab some stuffs. serious berbaloi. p/s: dengarlah cakap orang yang ade pengalaman. hahahaha.
anything else about my life? owh yes, aku baru potong rambut. kepala terasa sangat sangat sangat ringan selepas diurut dan rambut dipotong pendek. what a good massage after a tiring week. i was planning nak potong boy cut macam emma watson tapi biasa laa ade je yang tak bagi. huwaaaa. lagi sedih bila the girl beside me btol2 buat boy cut. that time memang mampu tengok je and tahan geram. :( but well, im still happy with my hair. lepas ni dah takde laa rambut berjuntai-juntai keluar dari selendang. hehe. tu main point nye. AURAT.

wajah masculine yang menjadi idaman. att: AKU BUKAN LESBO!!
btw, for this entry aku saje nak list kan severals videos from youtube. these videos sebernarnye video2 yang orang upload time aku masih dalam band. so lepas ni senang laa nak carik.
-percussion (standing, 1st at the back line)
-playing maracas
-percussion (drummer wearing yellow shirt, paling kiri facing the astaka)
-snare drummer of course :)
3. WOC YALADAN (2008)
-percussion (hardly seen..LOL)
-playing kompang
-the conductor (having terrible backpain that time T.T)
*will update if i got more. till then. enjoy.