Every guy thinks that every girls' dream is to find the perfect guy. Bullshit!! Every girls' dream is to eat without getting fat.
hye darls. :D quotes di atas agak over ye. kalau dah dapat perfect guy yang terima kita seadanya mestilah kita tak berapa nak kisah sangat soal berat badan. kan? kan? kan? hahaha. i dont why i feel so happy rite now.
ok actually, aku tbe2 nak buat entry malam ni sebab last few days nampak this tweet

then tadi nampak pulak dis tweet

then for a while aku gelakkan diri sendiri because me myself pon selalu berangan nak kawen. like my fren said ..even masa kita single. i remember masa zaman sekolah dulu, tempat paling grand kt johor mestilah PERSADA. bila erra n yusry kawen dekat PWTC aku pon berangan laa nak kawen dekat PERSADA. siap bagitahu buahati kot. then masa pergi pc fair, ayah sempat pulak tanya kalau nak sewa satu malam berapa. hahahaha. but hopefully aku tak kawen dengan orang JB la. bcoz if nnot sure ayah pening kepala layan his daughter wishes yang merepek-repek.LOL. hopefully aku kahwin dengan orang klang je laa..ecece
so untuk this entry aku just nak list several contact yang maybe berguna (p/s: since aku dok kt selangor, so aku list contact yg dalam selangor je. otherwise aku bgtau negeri mane k..:D)
1. tempahan kad kahwin
a. kadlestari.com
b. kad murah
c. sf creative card station
d. orange
2. katering
a. impian
b. sri angsana
c. ikhlas
d. shahmie
e. d'cendol pulut tapai
3. photography
a. aura raja sehari
b. this sign
c. greenphoto
d. mr. photographer
e. krulMATRIC
f. my photo book
4. make-up
a. satri's
b. difi beauty collection
c. zyda bridal house
d. D' belai spa
owh btw, i got 2 documents 1. senarai semak (includes what you should do 6-12 months before ur wedding day) 2. contact list menjelang your hari bahagia (yang ni ade 12 kot. including mak andam, penyelaras majlis. like a short term phonebook. lpas abes kawen bole buang..hahaha) which i think quite useful to those yang memang tengah merancang. kalau setakat berangan like me memang tak payah ok. LOL. but sadly, i dontknow how to share it online. so if you want those documents (which in pdf format) just email me k.
ok la. thill then. pray my jodoh come faster. hehe. salam :D