kawan bagi aku tak perlu ada hari-hari sebab kawan hidup dalam hati
hye darls. remember my lovely valours? well, since last monday cuti, so aku saje2 ajak leum pergi cyber sebab dah lame gile tak hangout dengan diorang. hehehe btw, dekat cyber ade SEAN.
dari kl nk pgi cyber mmg senang sebab ikot signboard je tapi kitorang sesat2 kot bila dah sampai cyber sebab xtau MMU dekat mana. nak col sean tapi dah terlajak tipu kitorang tak jadi datang. hahaha. nak buat suprise laa konon. tapi last2 aku ngan leum jmpe gak MMU but another prob is kitorang xtau pon sean dudok mne. hostel ke rumah sewa ke. dah laa bangunan dalam MMU tu almost the same je kan.
sambil2 sesat dalam MMU tu tbe2 excitedly nampak sign STF. but lol it stands for stadium track n fiel. not our beloved Sekolah Tun Fatimah. haha
so nak tak nak kena jugak col sean. n this was the direction she gave us
"dari STF tu ko buat u-turn n ikot balek jalan nak sampai gate. nanti ade satu simpang kecik, belok kiri. jalan teros je, nanti ade jalan silikon 6. lepas tu nanti KO NAMPAK TONG SAMPAH...."
me: dalam banyak2 benda kt MMU ni kenapa kau suroh aku carik tong sampah? hahahahaha
tapi tengok driver laa. finally kitorang jmpe jugak bilik sean. sembang2 jap. solat zuhur n had our precious time chitchatg n gossiping about our lifes. love it.

went to ayam penyet restaurant. leum belanja. thanx darl.

korang kenal sean kan?
abes makan nasi, sean tbe2 ajak makan cake. since kitorang datang sebab nak celebrate leum's belated birthday n sean's becoming birthday kan. so we went to secret recipe. hehehe where else we can find delicious cakes like what they serve :D ok banyak je. but not in cyber. :(

its suppose to be leum's n sean's cake. tapi sebab sean cakap tak best sambut birthday awal, so aku dapat laa cake. hahaha. of course aku ambik chocolate indulgence. arghh!! dis fattening cake. aku tak sure name cake leum tapi its all choc n cheese. nyumnyum

special birthday cake slices sponsored by sean. thanx darl. :*

sweet x girlfriend suap? hahaha
if korang xtau, leum was my snare drum partner since we were in form 1. 5 tahun kot kitorang go through susah senang sama2. kena denda sama2. kena maki sama2. but most important she never left me alone in every hardship we faced. instead, she always tried her best to help me. owh darla, i will appreciate whatever you did :8

love ya :*

till we meet again~~
p/s: anthon, nuha, nojie, farha, ery miss you too..x sabar nak jmpe korang :*