Emma Sharip Biz Boutique

Guest Book

Friday, December 30, 2011

I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.

hey darls..diam tak diam dah nak masok new week dah..haiih kejap je kan..now aku tgh mencekalkan hati jowa raga segala nak khatamkan buku CTU553..siyes sepangjang satu sem ni aku tak tau ape aku belajar for this subject..hahaha

i suggest that this course should provide a better lecturer that has better motivation n some FUN

but despite all that, last weekend was so wonderful..haha..after so many years i ask my parents to have a little brother, ttbe ade one day tu, my parents went out then mase diorang balek dengar macam bising2. aku pon bukak laa pintu, and nampak one little boy. guess who? its HAIFAL!!! MY LOVELY BABY <3

ok dia dah besar dah sekarang. so nice n sopan. seriously, its a dream come true tau. n i cant explain how happy i am and i was never dat excited to go home but when he was there i feel like someone waiting for me. n its true. wvry petang mase balek hifal akn dudok dkat living kot. n bila nampak aku nti dia tolong bukak pintu n everything. hahaha. paling best when he thanked me fpr something i brought home. HEAVEN!! tapi haifal stay x lama..dalam 3 hari je..hehe..a night before dia balek, kitorang bawak dia pergi i-city. he was so happy but still politely express his feeling.

i noe haifal was so happy..dgn muka excited dia. tp after the ride, he still remember to say "thank you, kak emma.." *cair

honestly after haifal balek, aku rasa macam sunyi sket. tapi x lama bcoz as planned, last friday, iman n umairah (wif their parents n mak ngah of course) datang my hse for a 3 days sleep over. diorang datang lambt kot. sampai around 1 or 2 oclock. masa tu aku dah sedap tdo xnak bangun dah. hahaha. tapi biasa laa dengar suara umairah n iman mmg x bole tdo kan.. LOL

this kepoh girl. i woke up late the next day. bangun pon sebab dia sebok ckp "bangun laa..kakak bangun laaa.." all the time..

so, the next day, kitorang pergi waterpark. saje laa nak bagi these kids happy sket. hehe. look at their funny face. happy je mase blom masok. LOL

tapi lepas dah masok..

iman was the biggest boy at this area..hahaha well actly iman ni penakut sket..so dia xnk pgi tempat yang dalam tu. and end up mandi laa kt area utk budak 3 years old n below..hahaha..mse cousin (iman's dad) macam bengan jugak bebudak ni takot sgt. and mse time balek tu, we saw a baby, merangkak lagi tapi dh maen air. iman terkebil-kebil je tgk how brave the baby was..LOL

then, after maen dekat waterpark, kitorang pgi sunway since my cousins nk makan Wendy's. owh kesian johor xde wendy's.

dis little kid nak ambil gamba dgn snowman tapi penakut. hahaha..terpaksa teman..hissh

we were at roxy store when this picture was taken. umairah was so impressed with sunway lagoon. tapi kalau bawak diorang ni mmg buang duit laa..semua xnak try..dah laa amusement park dkat sunway byk yg scary (for their level laa)

at night, kitorang pgi snowalk dekat i-city. for the 2nd time in a week. haha. nak pgi oversea tak mampu kan. pgi snowalk je laa..

and this time, aisyah n her fam pon dtg. aisyah is soo tiny. macam barbie.

too little too cute. n photogenic.


one more thing, my aunty from spore pon datang. meet my cousin, faisal with gearbox soup. hahaha. dekat spore panggil sup tulang je. LOL. special made by my mum. serious sedap. tapi i was so tired x rasa nak membaham sangat.

syahril, faisal, my dad, aunty salmi n nureen. :)

the next day, aku bawak diorang pgi klcc. konon2 nk jd tour guide laa..tpi damn, jalan pon sesat2. but sadly, ticket petrosains abes. nak naik twin tower pon kena tgu selasa. tsktsk. i feel bad tau, sebab aku tak tau mne tempat menarik kt kl ni. eye on msia dah tak de. nak bawak pgi shopping mall mcm spore xde all the stuff kan. in fact they are much advance. huhuhu. wif my bad driving skill n gps yg x bole pakai, we end up pgi times square aka the biggest indoor theme park in msia. hope they have fun.

*gambar xde sebab faisal x upload. hehe

till then darls. salam.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

French accent makes everything sounds sexier..ooh la la

hye darls. 1st of all sila scroll smp bawah n tekan play button k..i have a song to dedicate to all of you :D

noe wat. last monday, my classmates n i kena buat expose in french..there are 3 ways; bole buat guna powerpoint, storyboard or tulis kt whiteboard.. so sebab aku macam malas gila, n xtau nak buat storyboard n sebab xde story to tell so awal2 dah decide nak buat powerpoint je..most simple i guess..hehehe

ok well, since name pon expose in french mari laa kte poyo2 speaking in french..lalalala

Aujourd’hui, je vais parler de types des fromange.
Il existe plusieurs types de fromage.
Par exemple, Gruyère, Camembert de Normandie,
le fromage d'ortie, Gonzola fromage et beaucoup plus.

haha..i can speak well laa..poyo x? :P so, bcoz of this expose aku pon google laa about cheese yang famous2 and found this interesting website.

till then darls..salam

Saturday, December 17, 2011


hye darls. as u know sekarang dah bulan december dah. xmas pon dah dekat..so google yg lately mcm suka buat the page happening pon ade smetg special for xmas..hehe

well, wat if kamu2 pergi bukak page google..then search for 'Let it snow'. keluar macam ni tak?

ok darls. tu je. bukan ajak sambut xmas pon..juz nk share tu je...SHOPPING XMAS BOLE..lol
till then. salam.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Anorexia is a disease, not a fashion statement.

What are the causes of anorexia nervosa?

There are several causes of anorexia nervosa. According to Slowik (2011), one of the causes of anorexia nervosa is cultural pressure. He also mentions that nowadays societies always been under cultural pressure as they have a mindset that the beauty level for women is by being super thin. As a result of this unhealthy mindset, most anorexic patients may have been through hurtful experiences like being laughed at due to their appearances (Johnson, 2005). It becomes worse when these experiences cause them to feel that they are fat and this is the reason why they have to go through such painful moments (Johnson, 2005). Thus becoming an anorexic is seen to be the solution for this problem as they believe it would build a shield that can secure them from being teased or other like events (Johnson, 2005).

Besides, Slowik (2011) also states that in nowadays societies, success, happiness and self-control are always illustrated by being thin. Even though the media is not fully responsible for this nonsense illustration, media plays a big role that influences people and Slowik (2011) says that diet messages from this party always successfully received by women. Therefore, it can be said that anorexia nervosa happens since media always highlights that women need to control their food intake to stay slim and fulfill the current beauty level (Slowik, 2011).

Apart from the above factor, Slowik (2011) also points out that psychological issues may also be the reasons of anorexia nervosa. Examples of psychological issues that most anorexic patients have are low self-confidence, feeling of ineffectiveness, trouble to express their feelings and perfectionism (Slowik, 2011). According to Johnson (2005), these psychological issues can be found in other psychiatric disorders since anorexia nervosa is a kind of eating disorder and thus the causes behind these two disorders are actually similar. Johnson (2005) also explains in most cases, anorexic patients believe that these issues are problems that should be solve. Unfortunately, the mistakenly consider that one of the ways to fix these problems is by self-starvation (Johnson, 2005).

In addition to this, Johnson (2005) also remarks the histories of sexual of physical abuse are also causes of anorexia nervosa. Such painful histories will cause the victims to start thinking steps that can save them and according to Slowik (2011), they usually assume that by being extremely thin can be a reason to eliminate themselves from the list of sexual and social demand connected with adolescence. Since saving their life become their priority, Johnson (2005) says that anorexic patients may do this consciously or unconsciously. Besides, in Slowik’s (2011) report, he also says that psychological issue may cause the anorexic patients to become emotional not only towards weight loss but also towards physical fitness and career.

Slowik (2011) also mentions that anorexia nervosa is also caused by family environment and background. As a credit to this statement, Johnson (2005) explains that most anorexic patients have been overly controlled by their parents. This situation then becomes a continuous disappointment that later drive them to fight for self-governing and individuality (Slowik, 2011). As they struggle for their independence, Johnson (2005) believes that some anorexics feel terribly uncontrollable over their lives and this feeling will eventually lead them to think that having control over their diet is such a great honor as it is their first original thought. Despite these controlling parents, Slowik (2011) also mentions that anorexia nervosa is caused by parents that set a very high standard over physical appearances and constantly criticize a child’s weight or shape.

Besides that, Slowik (2011) also declares that genetic factor is another factor that can cause anorexia nervosa. In Hirst’s (2002) report, he confirms that genetics carry an important part that may lead a person to have an eating disorder. In addition to this, he also highlights that one study has proven that fifty percent of the risk that causes anorexia nervosa is inherited. However, the exact inherited factor is not yet determine by experts (Slowik, 2011). In spite of that, Slowik (2011) declares that anorexia will appear eight times more often if a person comes from a family that have this disorder.

The other common cause of anorexia nervosa is life transition (Slowik, 2011). According to Johnson (2005), transition in life like during the early puberty can cause people to feel a loss of control. Some people are so scared to pass through this transition and they believe anorexia can defer the body changes (Johnson, 2005). Hirst (2002) also postulates that their unhealthy behavior will act as a pause button to stop or cease their normal menstrual cycle.

Besides, Johnson (2005) agrees that failure at school or work is another life transition that can leave a person to feel demolish. He declares that most people with this disorder are perfectionist that expect excellence in what they are doing but feel worthless after some failures and try to run off from this feeling. As a result, they feel that they need to do something to improve themselves and bring back their glory time but sadly this feeling accidentally make they feel that losing weight through self-starvation is the foremost move to be taken (Johnson, 2005).

1) Jeremy Hirst
2) Craig Johnson
3) Guy Slowik

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Behind every successful man,
there is a woman.

hye darls..dah lame aku tak update blog nih kan..hahaha..al-maklumlah busy..

noe wat, the other day, aku dengan my french girls ade buat shooting untuk assignment FRENCH..huhuhu..penat kot..shooting 2 jam..tapi last2 after edit2 all the videos cuma ade 1 minute je..hahaha..

eyh bukan french girl..malay girls yg blaja french..:D

and, td siang ade perjumpaan dengan few lecturers..ade sorg tu, EN. HANAFI, semangat nak buat americans terkejut. so he plans nk suro bebudak uitm (students yg ambik actuarial sc laa) seat for Paper P examination. hehehe..semangat giler tau tak. tapi at the same time cam takot laa jugak..kalau nak ambik exam tu kena bayar rm400..tu pon belom tentu lepas..haiih..tapi inysaallah laa..ill try my best..chaiyok2.

well, actually aku just nak share this video.


Even its true in most cases tapi aku rasa aku takde laa susahkan siapa2..hehehe..i baik tau.

ok darls..till then salam.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

i am a professional procrastinator for sure, too bad i don't get paid :(

hye darls. sepatot nye sekarang aku kena google any articles related to interest. haiih. tym cuti pon ade assignment. sedih kan? tapi disebabkan google macam lembab pulak malam ni. so aku telah tersalah google. ececece. cek p google cute baby. haiih. tak tahan.

btw, aku just nak share this cute baby. haaha..nti aku pon nk buat macam ni.LOL

and this awesome book. (tak tau laa pernah share ke tak..hahaha)

till then. salam.

if women ruled the world there would be no wars..JUST A BUNCH OF JEALOUS COUNTRIES NOT TALKING TO EACH OTHER.

wow!! lame giler x update blog. hahaha. one thing you darls should know, aku sekarang dah jadi nerd. any free time yang ade sure aku habiskan dgn dating someone. eyh, not someone. SOMETHING!! FAHMI la, AM la, ERIC la..haiih..kenapa kenapa aku cakap nerd? sebab aku dah gila dont know how to differentiate between human and book. and i think dating a book is as fun as dating human. ARRGHHHH!! i hate this feeling!!! nampak tak bertapa loser nye aku?!! all i can do is just turn the caps lock on. nak jerit pon x mampu. pfffft. :(

tapi menjadi nerd takde laa sampai aku tak campur orang langsung. sempat je berpeleseran sekejap2. haha. like sekarang diet, one second lepas tu melantak half pounder McD and makan ice-cream time hujan wif AINA n A'A. sudah nye non-stop pergi toilet. hahaha. one more thing dat dayh ade malam jalinan mesra Aktuari.

and dalam poyo2 menjadi nerd tu sempat lagi tengok last episode of oprah. eyh what? LAST EPISODE OF OPRAH!!!! sobsobsob oprah dah abes dah. lepas ni dah xde such inspiring show like oprah. sobsobsob. nak nangis laa camni.

btw darls, sapa yang belom tgk, p check out beyonce punye performance. serious best.

Imagine a newborn, big-eyed, Black, baby girl
Waiting to see her world.
Waiting to receive a name.
Let's call her Fannie Mae,
She'll stay in this place.

No, let's call her
Bonnie Brown,
She'll never leave this town.

Then the universe had an aha! moment,
and said Oprah.
A mixture of a precious gem
And a musical play.

Neighbors laughed and said now that's really mean
To give her a name she cannot even explain.

The universe whispered,

A grandmother lifted her up
To show her to God,
And God said,
I'm going to show you a road to your future.

And in Tennessee she began to see herself.
Someone said,
What's your name?
She said, Oprah.
And, what do you do?
She said, I am being Oprah.

And then she stood erect
She saw no one higher than herself
And no one lower.

Baltimore asked Oprah,
Will you come here
And anchor an evening program, Oprah?

She said, Yes, but I want to give voice
To the voiceless.

And then Chicago called and said,
Will you come to the city of big shoulders?

Her country began to know her and call her by her name
And then Europe and Asia and Africa and Australia said
And she said, Yes.

And people listened to her
For twenty-five years
She listened

She said be strong, be kind and call me Oprah
I am Oprah

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Maya-Angelous-Farewell-Poem-for-Oprah#ixzz1d7bYI6E0

other links:
Oprah A Farewell Spectacular Part1
Oprah A Farewell Spectacular Part2

Saturday, October 29, 2011

You may not be her first, her last, and her only.

She loved before she may love again. But if she love you now, what else matters?

She is not perfect, you aren't either. And the two of you may never be perfect together.

and give her the most you can.

She may not be thinking about you every second of the day but she will give you a part of her that


So dont hurt her, dont change her, dont analyze and dont expect more than she can give.

Smile when she makes you happy and let her know when she makes you mad, and MISS HER WHEN SHE'S NOT THERE.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence

salam darls. last monday, buahati ttbe ajak breakfast sama2. hehe. selalu aku breakfast sorang je..sebab aku je nak pergi kelas kan. then time breakfast tibe2 ayah cakap dekat ibu "saya boring tgk tanyalah ustaz sekarang. dah takde isu2 yang menarik. cuba laa bagi isu yang buat kita bole berfikir ke berbincang ke. ni balik2 suruh orang pergi masjid - pergi masjid. yang dekat masjid pon suruh orang pergi masjid - pergi masjid. macam dah takde isu lain dalam islam ni.."


"ni lah yang jadi bila manusia gagal melihat dari perspektif yang berbeza.."

aku tak menyampuk laa masa ayah cakap tu. tapi time dalam kereta, bila aku sorang2 my complicated mind mula laa pikir macam2. well, its true (sekurang-kurang nya untuk aku) sebab dalam banyak masa aku gagal melihat dari perspektif yang berbeza.

ni tweets aku n my fren..

nampak tak kesalahan aku dekat situ? dats what always happened in our culture. selalu bila orang tanya apa2. kita jawab sikit je. sebab kita assume orang dah tau apa yang kita tau. so tak payah nak explain panjang2. because we always have the thougt yang orang tak suka dengar long explaination. and kenapa kte ade fikiran yang macam tu? sebab kita pon ada attitude tak suka dengar long explaination. kita nak lagi sikit orang cakap tapi lagi faham.

pernah sekali, one member in my family kena stop kerja. so dia jobless. and he was worried macam mana nak carik kerja untuk sara family. semua orang cadangkan buat itu buat ini. and since dia good in communication ade orang cadangkan jadi agent insurance. so that person yang cadangkn dia masuk insurance industry ni cerita laa all the benefits bila jadi agent. how easy to gain money. siap bagi example lagi of his friend yang dapat elaun almost rm20k every month. but this person forget something. forget to tell him the way he can begin.

maybe ade some of you thinks "alaa dah bagi idea tu, find out laa sendiri macam mana nak mula.." well, i can say, that is a bad thinking. sebab tak semua orang tau apa yang kita tau. tak semua orang nampak apa yang kita nampak. even 2 orang yang ada mata, looking at one direction cant see the same thing. same as our opinion. person A may thinks roses are lovely, but person B tak rasa roses cantik. instead he or she keeps wondering kenapa orang cakap roses cantik. and dalam condition jobless person tadi tu, kita kena ajar dari awal, start dari ambik borang nak jadi agent insurance, what to prepare for the interview sampai laa the 1st client yang dia uruskan.

why? sebab dia maybe tgh runsing. dia maybe tgh blur. dia maybe tak pernah ade experience langsung. or maybe tak pernah dengar pon pasal insurance. but most important, mungkin dia tengah perlukan kita.mungkin. if not, if kita dah offer for help tapi dia tolak then its ok. what if kte pon tak tau sangat? kita tau cakap je tapi tak tau buat, then what to do. haha. ni maybe problem sikit. but remember, if somebody needs you, please be there. STAY. dun ask for return. tu semua kerja tuhan, bukan kita. kalau kita ikhlas, insyallah, ada balasan yang lagi baik untuk kita. but just stay. dia mintak tolong teman pergi mana pon, temanlah.

aku tak sure sekarang. tapi dulu ada rancangan BERSAMAMU dekat TV3. berduyun-duyun sponsor masok nak tolong orang2 susah. bagi beras, roti, baju segala. but then? bila orang TV3 dah balik..bila stock makanan dah habis, what to do? orang2 susah tu kena balik pada keadaan asal yang setakat makan cukup2 ke? in this case, it applies to see things from different view. same like BERSAMAMU but for chinese community, ade rancangan FINDING ANGELS. tapi diorang tak bagi makanan, diorang bagi mesin. tak kisah laa mesin apa. mesin jahit ke. mesin potong rumput ke. or sometime diorang recommend kan kerja. so up to that person. kalau dia nak hidup senang, work hard. ive open the world, you have your job. nak hidup lagi senang, open your mind, carik peluang sendiri. rezeki tu, kalau ada usaha, insyallah continous...

well, banyak dah aku membebel. haha. banyak lagi point actually but sometimes its better to let you think. :) btw, to those who cant see my mistake;


Saturday, October 1, 2011

I hate when people say "nobody's perfect"
I think everyone's perfect in their own unique way!

hye darls..ade tak tgk ads astro tutor. alaa yang orang sarawak tu..yg the man cakap " aku bole ajar anak aku apa aku tahu..tapi mungkin bukan itu yang mereka perlukan untuk hidup.." or something similar macam tu laa.. bila tgk dat ads sure aku sedih sikit. sebab realize yang kemajuan ni buat manusia2 yang special diam2 rasa rendah diri. dah tak bangga dengan keistimewaan diorang. and no one appreciate apa yang diorang ada. now everybody only looks at how much you have inside your pocket. tak kira la macam mana kau dapat..haiiih..:(

btw, tu masalah lain. nanti aku dah ade point aku buat special entry..hehe. tapi for dis time just nak share recipe. pernah dengar smores x? pernah makan tak? aku tak tau nak beli kt mane tapi kalau nak buat senang je. jom try :D

all you need

aku google banyak pakai hershey..tapi aku pakai brand nona je..hahahaha

grahams crackers

mashumashmellow :D

ok bila dah ada all ingredients bole laa start masak.lalala
1st skali kena cair kan cooking chocolate tu. 1st time aku buat chocolate tu hangus, so as A'a cadangkan kena buat double boil. like this:

then bila chocolate dah cair, masukkan graham cracker and kacau. masokkan mashmellow. p/s: mashmellow tak bole panas sgt..if not akan cair..so after masokkan mashmelow, kacau sikit untuk ratakan then tros senduk guna sudu into muffin cup. and sejukkan.

pic from google yg aku buat dah terdelete dah gambar nye..huhu..btw darls, kalau ade masa try k. this is a perfect snack mse tension study. hahahhaa..till then. salam.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

aku suka entry jujur. tapi susah nak jumpa. banyak blog lebih rela post anything yang related dengan apa yang jadi dekat dunia ni. atau apa yang mungkin akan tarik perhatian ramai orang. tu takpe lagi kalau entry ade isi. tapi ada jugak yang sekadar buat ayat2 power dekat title sebab nak tarik visitors. nuffnang nak kasi naik. nak duit masuk beribu2. tapi last2, lepas abes baca dat entry takde value yang bole kita ambil. haiih manusia.

well, untuk entry kali ni, ade orang tanya aku how deep i appreciate friendship? *sigh. this is a tough question. i'll try to be honest.

Satu. kau harus tau aku tak suka judge orang. Sumpah. seboleh-boleh nya aku taknak judge sapa2. Kau gemok ke, kau kurus ke. Kau kaya ke, kau miskin ke. Kau anak tunggal, anak sulung, anak bongsu. Aku tak kisah. Yang penting cara kau bawa diri depan aku.

aku takkan tanya pasal kau dekat sapa2 kecuali nama. atau kalau ade orang bawak cerita dpasal kau dekat aku. tapi sampai situ. bukan sikap aku nak cerita2 pasal orang yang aku tak kenal.

and maaf, sebab buruk perangai aku yang ini, kadang2 dah lama nampak pon aku tak berapa ingat pasal kau. maaf. p/s: maaf pada lelaki yang dah satu sem jadi 'kawan satu theater hall' tak pernah kenal, tak pernah tegur, tiba2 dia bagitau kami belajar kelas sama. maaf aku tak pernah tau.

Dua. Bila kita jadi kawan. aku kategorikan kawan dalam banyak perkara. ada kawan cuma sekadar classmate. tapi kau datang kuliah ke tak aku tak kisah. nak bertegur pon susah. tapi aku kenal kau, kau kenal aku. dats it.

kadang2 aku jeles jugak tengok orang banyak kawan. tapi aku pon jenis berat mulot nak bertanya itu ini. awkward. kalau ada orang kata aku sombong, again sorry. silence is women loudest cry. aku banyak masalah. hahaha. tapi well, kalau kau approach aku, aku akan cuba jadi the nicest i can.

ada jugak kawan yang baik. tapi baik biasa2 je. kau susah, aku boleh tolong. kalau kau tak pernah buat dajjal, and tbe2 aku rasa kau perlukan bantuan, kadang2 aku tanya. kalau aku rasa aku mampu. aku tak mintak balasan pon. tapi kalau selama ni kau tak kisah pasal aku, lepas tu tiba2 nak mintak tolong sampai susahkan hidup aku, tu aku kena fikir banyak kali. sebab kita kawan, baik, tapi...

selain tu, ada kawan, baik, bole borak2 bole gelak2. tapi kadang2 kawan macam tak ikhlas. habis borak, habis lah. habis gelak, balik lah. kawan macam ni banyak. kawan sekadar memori ikot chapter. chapter kat tadika, chapter kat sekolah..sampai universiti pon ade kawan macam ni. kalau ade problem, aku ambil tau, kalau bole tolong, aku tolong. tapi bila abes chapter tu, bila aku tinggalkan sekolah, tinggalkan universiti, berapa ramai kawan macam ni yang akan kekal sebagai kawan aku?

p/s: thanks to valour yang sampai hari ni still keep in touch wif each other.

last, kawan dalam hati. aku tak pilih mereka2 ni. because if i can choose, the friendship will be less magical. haha. mereka2 ni yang aku akan sibokkan diri untuk ambil tau. if aku tak tanya face to face, aku tye dekat orang laen. if tak, aku on FB, on twitter, aku check latest update.

tapi sebab diorang ni kawan dalam hati, tak perlu jumpa hari2..kdg2 dah 2 3 bulan tak jumpa pon aku still tau aku sayang diorang. bertahun pon xpe. still sayang. and untuk kawan2 dalam hati, dun worry, sekali kau dah msok dalam hati takkan pernah ada jalan keluar..dats how i appreciate u. come to me whenever you want..ill be there, promise!

Lyrics | Bon Jovi lyrics - I'll Be There For You lyrics

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MUSIC is a friend who will never betray you.

hye darls. aku saja je bukak blog ni sebab menyampah facebook bajet advanced sangat laa. boring aku kiri kanan ade ntah pape ntification segala. yg dekat news feed tu pon aku tak abes baca ni nak baca kiri kanan. haiih. poyo je.

btw, remember tak aku pernah share pasal GOOGLE+? kamu2 dah join dah? hahaha. sje2 igt kan. mne laa tau one day nti dah x bole handle facebook punya kepoyoan, so mari lah kita beramai2 berhijrah ke GOOGLE+. lets leave our biggest country peeps!!..ok fine aku on x yah poyo. hahaha.

well, ari ni, aku juz nak share another website yang baru nak naik but wil be one of the best website yang aku akan selalu pergi kot. tadaaa..

ni laa WOWLOUD.COM. a new website untuk share everything about music. setakat ni dah ade about 1 mill songs dekat library wowloud yang kte bole download. wuu~` banyak tu.. tak cukup memory lappy aku. LOL.

but, at this moment, dis website still under construction. and baru nak test if all the code working so that masa launch nti all the visitors takkan ade problem untuk download lagu. hehe. if kamu2 nak join WOWLOUD bole pgi dekat website dia and sign up to receive an invitation. exclusive tuu~~

till then. salam. :D

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm aiming to be a better me,not a better somebody else.I'll be better,but I'll still be me.

hye darls. lama x bukak blog. since dah start kuliah ni macam busy sket. orang penting laa katakan. hahaha. JK.

btw, dis entry is dedicated to all smokers. hehe..tp before tu aku nak share one experience dgn korang. noe wat, ade one time tu, dalam kelas, lecturer datang lambt. so aku main game wif my fren, lelaki laa. aku tak tau pon dia baru lepas smoke. so, tym maen game tu memang laa bau asap. aku tahan je laa mula2. then aku tye dia "u baru lepas smoke ke?" dat guy dengan muka secuci lebaran angguk. hahaha. game punya pasal aku tahan nafas lagi. sampai one point tu rasa macam nak mati dah..aku campak je game tu. naseb ade orang sambut. hahaha. seriuos weyh. rasa nak mati tak cukup nafas.

since then, aku macam aware dengan orang2 yang smoke dekat sekeliling aku. tak tau laa allergic jenis apa. tapi everytime bau asap sure rasa sakit paru2. haiish bole tak saman diorang ni sebab rosakkan paru2 aku. hahaha.

well, dis entry juz for fun (kalau ada yang nak terasa then tersedar baguslah) nak share dengan kamu2 calculator untuk smoker. korang bole kira bajet yang korang kena sediakan untuk melabur kat rokok tu and at the same time bole buat estimation bila kami2 ni bole hantar korang dekat lubang 3x7 kaki. sila2 laa kumpol kan duit ok.


ok darls. till then. salam.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) said:

If you never felt pain or experienced problems, how would you know I'm the Healer?;

If you never made a mistake, how would you know I'm the Forgiver?;

If you were never hurt, how would you know I am the Comforter?

If your life was perfect, then why would you need Me?

Friday, September 9, 2011

"You are not your past. You are the possibility of what can be."

hye darls. last friday before kuliah start. 1st of all, thanx to my darls yang datang beraya rumah semalam.. lama kot tak jumpa diorang. rindu~~~

pic from jue :D

well, aku rasa dis friday macam blessed sangat sebab macam2 aku dapat since pagi. bukan barang2 mahal ok. tapi thought yang buat aku berfikir. noe wat, since ade tv alhijrah aku suka jugak pilih dat channel. sebab banyak show pasal ISLAM from oversea. macam best tengok how they appreciate ISLAM and NABI MUHAMMAD. and semua show tu macam light. so senang nak masok kepala aku nih. hahaha.

the 2 shows yang aku selalu tengok are
aku suka giler the way dis guy cerita pasal nabi and how to follow sunnah nabi. his voice macam tenang sangat and can feel yang tak susah sebenar nya nak buat tu semua. and most important, cara dis guy cakap buat kita rasa yang nabi still hidup dalam hati kita.

well, aku try carik video2 from fattabiouni dekat youtube tapi blom ade yang ade subtitle. tapi, insyallah lagi 2 minggu video2 tu akan release sebab ade pihak yang tengah usahakan. before that korang bole like page FATTABIOUNI MALAYSIA dekat facebook and wait for any update k. :D


dis show pon best sebab pengacara dia selalu tanya soalan2 yang buat kita berfikir dekat jemputan of that show. and lagi best bila jemputan tu jawab with a very deep and meaningful answer.

like this:

"RASULLAH made the bird as the example. the bird leave their house early at the morning to search for food with their stomach empty. and comeback late evening with stomach full. they dont stay at one point but move from a place to another place in searching for food. but their heart is calm. they have faith in ALLAH and trust that ALLAH will not forget them. THE EARTH IS MADE FOR PEOPLE. thus, people will never be forgotten. ALLAH have promised the rezeki for each of us. so when we are facing the hard time, have faith in ALLAH. because ALLAH knows what's best for us. keep trying and trust ALLAH.."

well darls. if kamu2 nak tengok banyak lagi episodes from this show bole pergi to the website.

and another thing yang aku dapat hari ni was from TOM SHADYAC. kalau korang suka tengok komedi sure kamu2 kenal dis guy. the movie director of ACE VENTURA, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, and BRUCE ALMIGHTY. cerita lama. kalau tak kenal try tanya buahati masing2. hehe.

well, dis year, TOM SHADYAC buat comeback tapi bukan comedy. instead he raised 2 questions for all of us to think.


a very inspirational film

"There's one fundamental law that all of nature obeys that mankind breaks every day. Now, this is a law that's evolved over billions of years, and the law is this: Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.

In our culture, however, humans often take more than they need by buying large homes, driving expensive cars and living excessively.

We have a term for something in the body when it takes more than its share. We call it...

its true kan. burung pon carik makan cukup2 untuk diri sendiri. singa, for example, bole je nak bunuh banyak2 rusa but instead, it kill only one. lepas tu share dengan yang lain. tapi manusia takes more than what we actually need. tu belom masok yang mencuri harta anak yatim or menipu orang2 kampung or buat projek2 haram.

ok. if kamu2 blom tgk this epic film bole tgk the trailer dulu.

and noe wat darls, even science and orang bukan ISLAM pon mengaku yang manusia ni related to each other. in our body ade VAGUS NERVE. p/s: vagus nerve derived from the words 'wandering'. this nerve yang buat kita rasa sedih bila tengok orang lain sedih. and rasa happy bila our surrounding happy. and if OPRAH SHOW has been the igniter of vagus nerve for over 25 years, we, as the muslims should know that solat berjemaah has been the greatest igniter for vagus nerve since thousands years ago.sebab solat jemaah buat kita can regain our energy and absorb positive spirit.

tiba2 rasa there is no word to describe how brilliant ALLAH is and how beautiful ISLAM is. till next post darls. do a soul searching. and it will leads us to ALLAH. insyaALLAH. salam.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you...LOL

hye darls. ni aku nak share something kt facebook yang kamu2 bole try untuk kena kan orang..hahahaha..look at this

ok. maybe korang rasa macam sama je kan. but if korang click dekat SEE MORE tu, korang akan tros pgi this link

so, ape lagi..jom buat status gempak2 n kenakan orang..hehehehe..till then. salam :D

Monday, September 5, 2011

Only a hypocrite feels safe from hypocrisy, and only a Believer fears it.

hye darls. raya dah abes dah..hehehe..dis year macam puas jugak sebab dapat duit raya banyak..but now dah kena start kuruskan badan..lol..*tym raya aku macam tak ingat dunia melantak rendang, ketupat, and my favorite sambal goreng..sedap nyerrrr

well darls, ingat tak sometimes aku ade share pasal investment. since tu yang aku belajar and aku memang suka pon bab duit2 ni. heee~~ so today, again aku nak share about this topic. tapi dis time pasal AMANAH SAHAM BUMIPUTRA (ASB). aku rasa majoriti orang MELAYU ade ASB. nama pon bumiputra kan..so bumiputra je laa boleh beli..

aku pon ade ASB ni..tapi tak banyak laa..baru je kumpol2 duit (nak kawen) hahahahahaha. tapi, dat dayh, masa pergi rumah my uncle, dia bagi aku paper yang mengatakan JAIS baru keluarkan fatwa yang ASB ni tidak halal. terkejut giler masa tu. macam tak percaya jugak. sebab ASB ni kan untuk bumiputra yang majoriti nyer ISLAM. so how come bole ade pelaburan yang tidak halal.

at first, aku tak percaya. so aku pergi sendiri website JAIS and found this

aku pon tak berani nak comment banyak2. tapi aku share benda ni so that kamu2 bole ambik next step. especially to muslims yang baca this entry. try tanya pandangan orang2 yang banyak ilmu agama k. and pray that rezeki yang kita dapat akan berkat dan diredhai ALLAH. amin~~

till then. salam. :D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H to all muslims around the world. Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. May اللّهُ bless you!

hye darls..SELAMAT HARI RAYA..tak lambat sangat kan aku nak wish..hehehe..well, raya kali nih biasa laa..ramai sangat orang datang rumah..the first three days of raya tu memang rumah ni macam ade open house..non-stop tetamu datang..almaklumlaaa buahati saya dah dikira orang tua..so memang adat laa if ramai sedara datang bertandang..:D

so, if kamu2 tanya bila nak buat open house, my answer memang takkan buat la..sebab nanti tak larat..askar kt rumah ni (aka anak dara) ada 2 orang je..tak menang tangan nak buat semua kerja kalau ade open house. but, if kamu2 nak datang, juz give me a call..insyallah rumah ni sentiasa terbuka for all of you..buahati cakap "tetamu tu datang bawak rezeki..selagi mampu, kita memang wajib muliakan tetamu.." dun worry, kamu2 akan dapat first class service dekat sini..lol

wif my sugar and candy..

the best man ever..:D


at last, dapat beraya..hahahha

wif the demok and super cute aqilla..:D

last but not least darls, ive found this thing dekat my fren punya wall. so just wanna share dengan kamu2..havva try to read it..

7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3
H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!
1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W,
0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17
4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,
0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.

clue: sila highlight bawah ni..:D

till then darls..salam..xoxo

Saturday, August 27, 2011

No I didn't fall. Just that, THE FLOOR WAS DEPRESSED, IT NEEDED A HUG.

hye darls. dah lama aku tak share pasal websites yang to me memang usefull giler. hehehe. sorry kay. cam busy sket sebab nak raya. sibok shopping derr. tolong buahati buat kuih lagi. hahahah. kalau nak resepi cheese tart bole klik sini. :D

by the way, dat day aku tengok one show dekat tv. and noe wat, ade research mengatakan it is normal for us to KOREK IDONG 5 times in every hour. euwwhhh. kalau tak caya nti try tengok diri sendiri. hahaha. if it not koreng idong, then sentuh idong, or garu2 idong pon bole laa kira. eyh, idongku gatal. haha.

well, malas nk melalut. ari ni aku nak share dis health website yang serious user friendly and memang bole dapat macam2 information. SHARECARE.COM

yang best nyer, dis website tak bagi info pasal general topic je. tapi ade jugak info pasal babies, teenagers sampai lah orang tua. kira memang sesuai laa untuk semua lapisan umor. AND EXPLAINATION DIA PON TAK BORING~~~ examples:

- untuk students like me, even pnah ddok hostel tapi kekadang still tak tau macam mane nak manage time can refer to this tips

- and untuk "im not a girl, not yet a woman" type, yang rasa meditation can help in reducing stress bole dapat explaination kenapa yoga bagus untuk diri kita. p/s: yoga ni takde kena mengena dengan agama. it is just a period yang kita spend to relax our mind and give positive thought for ourselves.

- or general topic, pasal benefits minum air banyak

- and lagi satu, yang aku rasa best, terasa macam kena sindir jugak bila baca pasal exercises. then teringat lagu kt tv "bersenam, bersukan, berrekreasi bersama keluarga blablablablabla..." hahaha. now aku tau macam mane exercises bole buat kita happy. :D lepas ni jom exercise ramai2 k.

last but not least, Dr Oz slalu jugak masok THE OPRAH HOW, so korang bole click dekat dis link OPRAH AND DR OZ. ada banyak videos and interesting discussions pasal health. dun worry. cara Dr Oz terangkan sangat2 entertaining. hehe.

ok darls. nak raya ni, even rendang, lemang, kuihmuih tu sumer sedap gila, tapi kne ingat to take care of our health jugak. jaga gula. jaga tekanan darah. jaga cholestrol level. tapi yang penting jangan tension2. haha. till then. salam. :D

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Love means never having to say you are sorry
- love story (1970)

hye darls, kalau cakap pasal love mesti ramai yang interested kan..INCLUDING ME!!! hahaha. and today, masa tengok oprah (ni lama punya episode act, tp x kesah sbb oprah will always inspiring) ade cerita pasal ALI MACGRAW and RYAN O'NEAL

fyi, dis 2 beautiful people pernah jadi the hero and heroine dalam LOVE STORY yang paling famous kalah TITANIC kalah THE NOTEBOOK kalah KUCH KUCH HOTA HAI. heee~~ tapi time zaman buahati laa. bukan zaman aku. lol. *klaka tengok buahati teringat zaman muda2. hahahahahaha

well, aku belom tgk lagi dis movie. tapi from apa yang orang ckp rasa macam gempak giler.. so now tgh download dis movie. thanx torrent. if kamu2 nk download jugak jus open dis link k. LOVE STOY 1970

btw, if kamu2 tanya apa yang best sangat pasal dis episode, sampai aku buat special entry, the answer will absolutely be RYAN O'NEAL. a loyal lover yang selalu nya aku rasa can only be found dalam movie. but no. he proved it wrong. he proved masih ada lelaki yang setia pada satu cinta. who love endlessly to the only woman even after she died. at this moment. in this culture. ahhh!!! best nya kalau dapat lelaki macam nih....~cair

knoe wat, 10 years after dia berlakon dalam dis movie, he finally met FARRAH FAWCETT. an amazingly beautiful woman. and LUCKY too.

"I never loved her more than I did that last couple of years" -RYAN.

if korang tengok dis show, sure korang akan terharu with the way RYAN love FARRAH. korang akan dapat rasakan yang even after her death, this strong woman is still alive in his spirit, his laugh and his breath. masa OPRAH tanya, "do you think you are a good partner?" RYAN said, "yes. FARRAH thought me a lot.." and after a year FARRAH passed away, RYAN told OPRAH "there is a hole where I wish SHE was..can't fill it in.." see~~ aku suka sangat the way RYAN appreciate FARRAH. tak pernah ada niat nak fill the hole with another woman. and dis man setia sangat masa FARRAH fight dengan kanser. ade one scene tu, RYAN temankan FARRAH dekat hospital and they shared the bed. owh how sweet <3 <3 <3 OPRAH asked, " do you know that expression that time heals. does it get better with time?" RYAN diam sekejap masa tu. took a deep breath. a deep breath yang kalau korang tengok pon korang tau how much he miss his sweetheart. and then dia replied "not yet..not yet.." owh, i envy dis woman...

"Love is imperfect. There is no such thing as a perfect love. But you can do something with an imperfect love. You can finesse it, and you can keep it alive. You can find ways to stay together. The key is to stay together." - RYAN.

ok. darls. korang bole pgi OPRAH.COM kalau nak tau banyak lagi cerita pasal dis episode. till then, salam.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear math, I liked you so much more before you and alphabet started hooking up...
Sincerely, everyone

hye darls. kamu2 suka math tak? hahaha. jom tgk how amazing math is..lepas ni orang tak suka math pon sure suka..:D

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

terror kan siapa yang dapat prove this thing. surely not me..lol
till next post. salam.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Try to burn a match stick & heat your palm. If you can't bear the heat, how you will bear the unbearable heat of the hell?

hye darls. im currently in a library. sunyi. tenang. bila teringat ramadan dah nak abes. tbe2 aku rasa sedih. sebab lepas ni mesti rasa lain. tengah hari macam ni sure rasa lapas. hilang dah ketenangan tu semua. sibuk nak kejar perkara2 duniawi nih...

aku nak share pasal this one person dekat singapore. Alex Chang. pernah tak dengar citer pasal dia. well, if korang tak tau, dis guy, tbe2 je raise a sensitive question yang buat muslims dekat singapore panas hati. tengok nih:

nampak tak macam mane orang luar dengan berani nye mempertikaikan Islam. even kat malaysia pon dah ade actually. orang complain pasal azan. sijil halal yang orang main2kan. and banyak lagi.

to you darls, sama2 laa kita beringat, dunia ni dah terlalu tua. tunggu masa je. harap kita mampu untuk tempatkan diri kita dikalangan orang yang beriman. amin.

p/s: semoga ramdhan kali ni tros membawa berkat untuk kita semua. salam. :D

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm really good at not paying my bills. They all say "OUTSTANDING!"

hye darls. quote dekat atas tu joking je ok. takde kena mengena dengan aku. all my bills will be successfully paid every month. successfully ok. successfully. btw, last few days, masa jalan2 dekat jusco tetibe teringat yang kereta aku dah tak wangi dah. so terpaksa laa tinggalkan kejap bahagian baju raya tu.. tapi disebabkan aku clumsy skit dat time, dah dua tiga kali jalan pon tak jumpa jugak perfume kereta yang aku nak. masalah kan. kesian orang yang teman aku. nasib tak angin.hahaha.

and we end up pergi watson je. sebab time tu, watson je depan mata. *dah ilang sabar senarnya. puas jugak laa aku round watson tu. dari nak beli perfume kereta, aku terbeli barang2 lain yang senang2 buat duit melayang. sampai2 depan counter, masa cashier bagtau total amount yang kena bayar, terbeliak jugak laa mata ni. "watson je kot..sini pon boleh abes duit ke?" owh yes, BOLEH. kalau korang jadi macam aku. :'(

then, cashier tu offer untuk beli watson membership card. 12 engget you. sape xde sila beli. banayk benefits kalau jadi member. :D *kne minx upah kt watsons sebab tolong promote. lalala

actually dah banyak kali dah cashier offer aku tapi entah apasal tangan ni gatal pulak dis time. tak sedar diri dah over limit. hahahaha. sebab malas nak soal jawab dengan cashier tu, aku pon beli je laa. and aku dapat laa the vouchers yang banyak giler tu. TAPI LAGI BANYAK YANG AKU TAK PAKAI DARI YANG AKU PAKAI. :(

tak tipu laa. memang banyak giler..

but above all, rm12 tu untuk seumur hidop. xde laa membazir sangat. tapi after ni kena shopping dekat watson je laa. 200 points = rm1. ok laa kan. dari tak dapat ape2. hahaha. more info bole tanye sendiri dekat Watsons Malaysia. till then. salam. :D